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Theft Attorney in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Theft, also known as larceny, involves taking someone else's property without permission with the intent to permanently deprive them of it. This crime can range from shoplifting and petty theft to grand theft and embezzlement.  

Regardless of the value of the stolen property, being charged with theft can lead to severe legal consequences, including fines, imprisonment, and a permanent criminal record. For those facing theft charges, having the right legal representation is critical.  

At Natalie Snyder Law, I provide compassionate and effective legal defense for individuals accused of theft in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and the surrounding areas, including Allegheny County, Butler County, Washington County, Westmoreland County, and Western Pennsylvania.

With over 20 years of experience and a deep understanding of both sides of the law, I am dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible outcomes. 

Types of Theft 

Theft can fall under the following categories: 

Petty Theft 

Petty theft refers to the unlawful taking of property valued at a relatively low amount, typically under $500. Examples include shoplifting small items or stealing a bicycle. 

Grand Theft 

Grand theft involves the taking of property valued above a certain threshold, which varies by jurisdiction. In Pennsylvania, grand theft generally includes stolen property worth more than $2,000. 

Identity Theft 

Identity theft occurs when someone uses another person's personal information—such as Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, or bank account details—without permission, often for financial gain. 


Burglary involves breaking and entering a building with the intent to commit theft or another felony. It is taken very seriously and can result in significant legal penalties. 


Embezzlement is a form of theft where someone in a position of trust, such as an employee or trustee, wrongfully takes or uses funds or property entrusted to them. 


Robbery is a more severe form of theft that involves taking property directly from another person through force, intimidation, or threats. It is considered particularly serious because it involves direct confrontation with the victim and can result in significant physical or emotional harm. 

Auto Theft 

Auto theft refers to the stealing of motor vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, and trucks. It can range from joyriding, where a person steals a vehicle for temporary use, to professional car theft rings that dismantle and sell vehicle parts. 


Fraud involves deception or false pretenses to obtain money, property, or services. This can include activities such as writing bad checks, credit card fraud, and deceptive business practices. Fraud is often complex and can involve multiple victims and long-term planning. 


Shoplifting is a specific type of petty theft that involves taking merchandise from a retail establishment without paying for it. It significantly affects businesses, leading to increased security measures and higher prices for consumers. 

Receiving Stolen Property 

Receiving stolen property involves knowingly accepting, purchasing, or concealing items that have been stolen by another person. Even if the individual did not directly commit the theft, they can still face serious legal consequences for participating in the crime. 

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Consequences of Theft Convictions 

The consequences of a theft conviction can be far-reaching and life-altering. They may include: 

  • Legal penalties: Fines, community service, probation, and imprisonment. 

  • Criminal record: A permanent criminal record that can affect future employment, housing, and education opportunities. 

  • Reputation damage: Harm to your personal and professional reputation. 

  • Financial loss: Restitution payments to the victim and other financial penalties. 

  • Loss of civil rights: Depending on the severity of the conviction, you may lose certain civil rights, including the right to vote or possess firearms. 

  • Immigration consequences: Non-citizens may face severe immigration repercussions, including deportation or denial of naturalization. 

  • Loss of professional licenses: Certain professional licenses can be revoked, impacting careers in fields such as law, medicine, and finance. 

  • Travel restrictions: Convictions can lead to travel restrictions, including denial of entry to certain countries. 

  • Impact on personal relationships: Convictions can strain personal relationships with family and friends due to stigma and mistrust. 

Given the severe implications of a theft conviction, it is essential to have skilled legal representation to protect your rights and interests. Our skilled criminal defense attorney is here to help you fight for your rights and protect your future after an accusation or charge.

Theft Laws in Pennsylvania  

Under Title 18, Chapter 39 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, theft offenses are classified based on the type and value of the stolen property. This includes statutes for theft by unlawful taking, theft by deception, and retail theft, each with a specific grading that ranges from summary offenses to first-degree felonies.  

Penalties depend on factors such as the value of the stolen property, the presence of prior convictions, and the circumstances surrounding the offense.  

Pennsylvania law also imposes strict penalties for identity theft, theft by extortion, and receiving stolen property, ensuring that each offense is met with corresponding legal consequences. 

Theft Attorney in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Attorney Natalie Snyder, a former prosecutor with over 20 years of experience, leads a female-led law firm in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I am known for my tough yet compassionate approach, ensuring my clients are more than just cases. I fight diligently for my clients' rights and dignity, providing expert legal representation and personal guidance, especially for those facing theft charges. Call me for a consultation to protect your future.